Thursday, May 13, 2021

Restoration of Jewish Glory


Restoration of Jewish Glory

(Perpective and Opinion)

Rosh Chodesh Sivan, 5781, Parshas Bamidbar, 45th day of the Omer (v. 2)

by Binyomin Feinberg

As we mourn the 45 precious Korbonos of Meiron, we are witnessing another massive escalation of Midas HaDin (Divine Judgement) in Eretz Yisroel.  However, let's not lose sight of all of the Divine Compassion that we see in the midst of this current manifestation of Divine Judgement. Moreover, B"H, we are being provided golden opportunities to accumulate much-needed zechusim (merits) in these challenging times.

Rash"i (Sanhedrin 70b, top, on Beraishis 3:7), describes one way in which the rebuilding of the Third Bais Hamikdash will mirror the Churban (destruction). He quotes Eichah 4:11, stating that HaShem destroyed His Holy House with fire, and then quotes Zechariah 2:9, articulating the Nevu'ah that HaShem will rebuild His Bais Hamikdash with fire as well. Rashi explains that this paradox is based on the principle that HaShem miraculously heals with the same means by which He smites.

Accordingly, it appears as if there will be additional ways in which the rebuilding of the Bais Hamikdash will mirror the Churban. One way seems to be showing itself in front of our eyes, namely providing those who truly seek to take a special part in the redemption process an opportunity to do so, as follows.

The Gemara Ta'anis 29a (bottom) relates that during the destruction of the (first) Bais HaMikdash, the young Kohanim (in-training) gathered in groups, holding the keys to the Heichal. (The Heichal was one of the primary sections of the Bais Mikdash, which housed the Holy Menorah and Shulchan, among other holy items). They ascended to roof of the Heichal, where they declared that since they've been deemed by G-d as unfit caretakers of the keys to His Holy House, they're returning the keys to Him. As they threw the keys heavenward, what appeared to be a palm of a hand was outstretched from the Heavens, and took their keys. After that, they jumped up, and fell into the massive flames raging below (according to one explanation, they were allowed to hasten their deaths to avoid being caught by the enemy and forced to reveal secret information).

According to the aforementioned principle, perhaps, as we await the restoration of the Bais Hamikdash, we should remain vigilant to the prospect of HaShem, "returning the keys," so to speak, to those deemed fit to use them. Perhaps HaShem will provide those who seek to properly expedite the rebuilding of the Bais Hamikdash specific zechusim which will have that capacity.  On what basis do we suggest this? Because that appears to be precisely what is occurring before our very eyes, on a variety of fronts. As someone involved in monitoring the ongoing crisis of the Israeli female draft, and religious efforts to oppose it, it's evident that there are numerous heroic individuals who indeed merit such wonderful opportunities, which clearly help bring the Geulah  (Final Redemption) closer, by saving righteous women - in who's merit the Redemption will arive (see Sefer Kav HaYashar, 82; see Sotah 11b, Yalkut Shimoni on Megilas Rus 4:11, end of 606; Medrash Rus on 4:14 regarding Malchus Bais Dovid) - from the Israeli military draft.

» For example, just observe the uplifting mesiras nefesh (self-sacrifice) of so many Israeli teenage girls and young women -- like Olga Shamilov, Ziva bas Mazal M., Anna bas Miriam M., and Nell D. -- who resolutely refuse to violate Torah law by caving in to Army Draft Office dictates - draft-directives aimed at enlisting them into the notoriously immoral and exploitive Israeli Army (now largely "co-ed"). These dictates include appearances at a "Rayon Dat" interrogation - all alone - facing seasoned, often antireligious military officers who are openly hellbent on drafting more and more religious girls. (Because of the dangers inherent in such appearances, Torah sages have prohibited even walking into the Draft Office - to the extent of Yai'horaig Ve'al Ya'avor (giving up one's life if necessary) - inasmuch as it's liable to result in being drafted.)

» Just observe the unsung mesiras nefesh of righteous men and boys who literally risk their very physical safety [and, in some cases, their lives] by demonstrating against the ongoing horrors of the female IDF Draft - and the relentless abuse of the next generation of Jewish mothers by the Israeli Army Draft Office, the Police, the military prison system, and the truly criminal justice system.

» Just observe the ongoing, quiet heroism of the volunteer women of "Chomosaich," who stand guard outside the offices of the Rabbanut Batei Din, alerting girls about the prohibitions and dangers of even entering the Draft Offices (after obtaining their Rabbanut-certified Tatzhir Dat (religiosity certification)).

They all do what they do at personal risk and cost, and pitted against opposition which ranges from formidable to seemingly overwhelming (often coming, painfully, from "elements within" that would shock some of the more naive readers).  We too have golden opportunities to stand with these meritorious sheluchei tzibbur. It is they who have chosen to stand between Bnos Yisroel and our spiritual enemies - who seek to continue the spiritual, psychological and emotional decimation of perhaps a fifth generation of potential Jewish mothers (since the Israeli female draft began seven decades ago).

If we can send thousands of Jews to Meron, and hundreds to various demonstrations, why don't we see such numbers [and even more] for this cause, which, halachically speaking, clearly trumps most others? Simply because the esteemed tzibbur isn't educated about it, and is so misinformed by various vested interests. So many well-meaning Jews would heroically engage in this war for the very survival of the Jewish People -- if only they would be properly informed and guided. The aforementioned vested interests - collaborative in the female-draft-crisis cover-up - include political parties who swap their souls for Israeli government largesse - and ostensible protexia for "their girls," the latter being a incrementally restricted pool of high school graduates who's long term prospects grow darker with each month of under-contested IDF Draft Office escalations.

Even just practically speaking, we all would benefit in so many ways if would only place our communal priorities where they belong al-pi Torah. {See our post of two weeks ago regarding abortion and the Israeli female military draft, quoting the Brisker Rov (Sefer Yeled Shaashuim p.348-350), regarding the priority of fighting the drafting of religious and - even more so - nonreligious girls -- even if doing so would G-d forbid result in closing the Yeshivos.}

If we'd sincerely and unrelentingly advocate for the position urged by the saintly Brisker Rov ZT"L, we'd win on perhaps every front, because elimination of the female draft benefits almost everyone in Israeli society, in multiple ways, as explained previously. In addition, who knows how much kitrug would thereby be removed from our communities, who have been disproportionately represented in the flock of lofty souls who were tragically taken from us on that holy day in on the holy Har Meron.

May we be merit to joyously greet Eliyahu HaNovi, and, subsequently Moshiach, with the proper preparatory work already completed. 

Have an uplifting Yom Tov.

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