Sunday, June 6, 2021

IDF Arrest of Female Israeli Refusenik



26 Sivan, 5781 °° Parshas Korach °° June 6, '21

By Binyomin Feinberg




We just received word of another Jewish girl arrested over her refusal to enlist in the Israeli military. Although we await more details of this case, our current information (subject to forthcoming updates) indicates as follows:

At this time, an Israeli Ba'alas Teshuva is languishing in Israeli Military Prison Ten, the newly constructed, one-thousand-bed jail in the Netanya area. She is in urgent need of tefilos of the tzibbur. Please daven for Loren bas Miriam, who is to be married shortly, G-d willing.

According to our initial information, this afternoon, Sunday June 6, the Israeli Army took Loren into custody, possibly after tracking her to the home of her future in-laws, whom she happened to be visiting at the time. When Loren was in their home,  Israeli Police arrived with a search warrant, found Loren, and took her into custody. Subsequently she was incarcerated in Military Prison 10. Communication with those incarcerated in that jail is quite difficult, thus our information is limited now.

A girl who had been seeking a religious exemption, Loren is a recent Ba'alas Teshuva (someone who rediscovered their religious roots). She may be perceived as having fully embarked on her spiritual commitment only subsequent to her legally-required commencement of the enlistment process. In the eyes of some, that chronological nuance may raise some degree of suspicion. It should be mentioned that Loren is now demonstrating her willingness to endure military prison to avoid being drafted. That's one argument that should alleviate doubts about her sincerity, even for those who aren't privy to her sincere religious* convictions and her current Torah-based objections to military service.

(* Our comment: Apparently, as far as the Army Draft Office is concerned, once a girl passes a certain stage - once secular, always secular - no way out.  Evidently, religious freedom isn't free in Israel.)

However, that's all secondary. Fundamentally, the Israeli government has no right to force any girl or woman into the Army, as we explain below. "Legalizing" the mass-travesty of the female military draft doesn't mitigate the decades-long crime-wave involving the IDF drafting hundreds of thousands of potential Jewish mothers -- it compounds it manifold.

In addition, a primary reason that most of the girls aren't "religious" is because of the of the educational brainwashing of the Israeli Establishment.  The largely antireligious Establishment made them nonreligious - via their flagrantly anti-Torah [nonreligious/ antireligious] Education System - and then proceeds to force these same girls into their immoral "Mizron Tzahali" military paradigm, on the pretext that they're not religious. "Rotzach'toh ve'Gam yorash'toh."

And we tolerate this wickedness?

Another question: According to the Army, precisely what avenue is available for a non-observant girl to rediscover her religious Heritage - a heritage intentionally stolen by the pervasive, dominant secularism of the antireligious Israeli Establishment -  if she happened to have already started the enlistment process, in compliance with Israeli law?

Invariably, some will argue that the Army Draft Office must ferret out "fakers," who "falsely" claim to be religious. Firstly, even according to the religious Zionism to which the government pretends to pay a veneer of homage, the Israeli government has no right to draft ANY girl into the military - religious or not.

In truth, the very establishment of a religiosity criteria for exempting women from the Israeli Army is an incontrovertible abomination from a Torah standpoint. Additionally, from a pragmatic perspective, the very compromise on allowing the Army to prey on non-religious girls poses the gravest threat facing religious girls now. That's because the Army has been carefully escalating its assault against traditional - and even very religious girls - precisely by exploiting and abusing the religiosity criteria established in the draft law for girls.

Furthermore, it's a travesty of justice even from a secular perspective (Le'hav'dil) to draft any female into the military. One needs to go no further than the February 16, '21 report by Lilach Shoval in "Israel HaYom" (a venue not known for "ultra-Orthodox" tendencies) on the IDF's own report on an alarming jump in reported cases of sexual harassment and abuse in the military over the past year. By what right does any government arrogate the license to force any women into an Army, which by nature subjects innocent women and men to a multitude of hazards of illicit relationships?

Secondly, even assuming for arguments sake the mythical "right" to draft non-religious girls, who precisely is to determine religiosity of a girl?  The antireligious Army Establishment? Secular and secularist draft officers? Self-hating "religious" officers? "Open-Orthodox" types (a-la Bennet), who see no incompatibility between their imagined contortion of Judaism and the promiscuous Army environment?

Thirdly, by what right does the Israeli government have to argue against "fakery" in claims of religiosity - while the entire female draft is predicated on one massive fraud after another, including the myth of the "need for women," and the true goals of the female draft having more to do with immorality than any national security need?

Remember, the Brisker Rov OB"M was even more opposed to the drafting of non-religious girls than religious ones, inasmuch as the former were in jeopardy of falling further and faster than the latter.

“Nothing is to be more dreaded than the national government meddling with religion.” — John Adams, 1812

° Some of these girls are being or had been blackmailed into submitting to a "Rayon Dat," a Religiosity Interview/ Interrogation. For these girls, that's not only prohibited by Torah Law, and practically hazardous; it's also inherently self-contradictory.  For girls who follow the historically mainstream Rabbinic position that a Rayon Dat is prohibited, the Army forcing them into one (a) constitutes antireligious coercion, and (b) is also legally incoherent - if not downright Orwellian --demanding these girls "demonstrate" their religious values by contravening them.

°  We ought never forget that the merit of these heroic souls, and those who assist them, is truly incalculable - "Le'fum tza'arah agrah" (Avos 5, end). And for that reason it's all the more incumbent on us to raise awareness to stand by those noshim tzidkaniyos (righteous women), in whose merit so many Jews are very possibly being saved from missos meshunos and untold tzoros.

See futher:



The Israeli Army forces its female draft-age citizens to serve in the military. It's been doing so in flagrant violation of Torah law, for about 70 years. All leading Rabbis from across the spectrum prohibit girls and women from enlistment in the military. Leading Rabbis have even deemed refusal to enlist as "Yai'ho'raig v'Al Ya'avor," a prohibition we're obligated to sacrifice our lives to avoid.

The Israeli Army is also known for its flagrantly anti-Torah, exploitive and abusive treatment of women and girls, for decades (e.g. see 
Sexual Exploitation - Via Escalation of Religiosity-Interrogations: 
(11 Shvat, 5780 °°  Feb. 6, '20)).

Inasmuch as we just received word of this arrest, we hope, G-d willing, to post updated information as it becomes available. Please check the update link below for the latest posts.


Here's the update link for the month of Sivan, 5781/ June, '21:


Some may try to dismiss the facts of the Israeli Army crusade against religious girls by pointing to the almost total public silence of some ostensibly Chareidi political interests within politics and media, who only speak up about the female draft on rare occasions (usually in the wake of an arrest of a girl from their types of social circles). To the extent that their overall silence plays a role in enabling the Israeli Army to continue to draft more and more girls, the following holds true:

"Simply put, thousands of Jewish girls are being subjected to sexual abuse and exploitation, and otherwise engaging in prohibited immoral acts in the Israeli Army, in great measure due to Chareidi political "leaders" enjoying government power and money."

Self-focused "leaders" like these (exemplifying Yechezkel 34) never belonged in the Israeli government to begin with. Perhaps one lesson of the devastating Meron tragedy is that these ostensibly Chareidi MK's (some of whom were recently grandstanding over their obtaining permission from Amir Ohana to allow even more Jews to attend the long-mis-managed Meron Holy Site) must go. The mantra their defenders employ, stating that the Army isn't targeting "our girls" (namely, girls from families within their social circles) is antithetical to the Torah. In fact, according to the world-renowned "Brisker Rov" OB"M, the very prioritizing of saving religious girls over non-religious girls is incorrect, inasmuch as non-religious girls are at greater risk in the immoral Army environment than are religious girls (see sefer "Yeled Sha'ashuim," p. 350).

The aforementioned faux-Chareidi stance of silence, enabling the drafting of traditional girls, and religious girls on the social/ political periphery, is reminiscent of the dark era of the Russian Czar, when young, pre-teenage boys were drafted into the Russian Army - for decades at a time. Some wealthy and influential families used to exempt their own boys from this horrific draft by arranging for the boys from poor / peripheral families to be taken away instead. The same dynamic is at play now, but in a more organized manner, led by false leaders in our midst, who seek to vindicate their evil by a transparent veneer of religious rationalization.
Another Wake-Up Call from BDS?

We all know that G-d isn't happy with our communal stance of overall apathy toward the ongoing drafting and persecution of girls, religious and otherwise, by the Israeli Army. We continue to live our lives and make money as if all is business as usual. Well, apparently it's not business as usual for everyone.

"Hundreds of anti-Israel BDS protesters prevented the unloading of an Israeli container ship from Asia at the Port of Oakland on Friday, with the cooperation of the local longshoremen's union, which refused to unload the vessel. The protest was sponsored and organized by a pro-Palestinian BDS group." (VINnews, June 6)

Is THIS new development about the ongoing economic war being waged internationally against Israeli businesses perhaps a wake-up call? I really don't know. It may be a wake-up call regarding other issues perhaps more specifically reflected in that BDS situation, as per Rashi on Brachos 5a.  Regardless, the aforementioned communal iniquity in ignoring the plight of all of the Israeli girls languishing in military prison is one that cannot ever be ignored. Further delay in repentance certainly won't gain us Heavenly protection from Divine Retribution. On the other hand, sincere repentance, even by individuals, and even if very limited, has a broad positive impact. May we all merit it soon.

"... And if someone, like Pinchos, is one among a multitude, and every man is against him when he dares to speak out for truth and to fight for the Law -- the more lonely his stand, the greater the number of his adversaries, the more powerful is his word, the mightier his deed."

--  Rav Shamshon Raphael Hirsch OB"M (1808-1888), (in "Judaism Eternal," vol. 2, p. 293, writing on Pinchos, and those who follow his lead)

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