Thursday, July 8, 2021

Stop Trafficking Enablers by ID-ing Them



Stop Human-Trafficking Enablers by Identifying Them

28 Tammuz, 5781 °° Parshas Mattos-Masei °° July 8, 21 

Opinion and Perspective by Binyomin Feinberg

Near the beginning of this week's Torah portion, the premier Biblical commentator Rash"i (Bamidbar 30:16) quotes our Sages in the Midrash "Sifri" that one who causes another to sin takes his place in receiving Divine Retribution. [That's not to absolve those who actually commit the transgressions in question from whatever responsibility they themselves have - see Ramban there.] When community leaders urge people to vote - without providing guidance about the primary moral threats facing us, and their relevance to the candidates - they abuse their positions of influence. What these "get-out-the-vote" advocates often do is tout their own issues of priority - generally government funding. Thereby, they convey to the trusting masses that those are the primary criteria for supporting a candidate. These "leaders" thereby seek to dupe the public into enabling some of our worst-human-rights abusers - by electing [or re-electing] them.  Said "leaders" also are exploiting their public trust and access to media to dupe the community that has benefited them with their trust. Additionally, they signal the elected officials that they're able to manipulate the community, to encourage political powers to throw more government money their way, to keep the manipulated masses of voters in line, forming a vicious cycle (although a cycle easily broken through with proper information and guidance).

We've previously addressed NJ's much-contested proposed abortion-expansion legislation s3030 several times, e.g.  How many times did said "leaders" - ostensibly so concerned about the community welfare - even mention this legislation - or other LGBT, abortion, and trafficking threats? If we can't stop such overtly depraved legislation - even in an election season - precisely what good are elections? Do we even deserve elections, if we allow them to be exploited to elect more and more of the New Barbarians (of both parties)?  And, seeing Divine Wrath all around us, precisely how long do we expect G-d to tolerate our relentless communal wickedness?

As Jews, we bear a greater responsibility to stand up for morality and decency, and against the mainstreaming of sheer barbarism - especially when perpetrated by our own elected officials. In Zechariah 14:2 we read about the terrible things Gog seeks to perpetrate against the Jewish People at the end of days. How can we expect to be saved from such evil acts if we allow those who falsely speak in our name to dupe our communities into passively or actively enabling that very same type of iniquities?

How is it that we countenance people who expend great effort on soliciting community input and resources to ostensibly "fight antisemitism" - while they themselves feel very comfortable enabling elected officials who do far more actual harm to tens of thousands of vulnerable individuals - and to our communities - via legislation than any domestic terrorist organization or individual?

When Gen. Norman Schwartzkopf was asked if we should "forgive" those responsible for the terrorist attacks of September 11, he reportedly replied along the lines of:  "Forgiveness is for G-d -- our job is to make the appointment."  Those politicians - and the community organizers - who knowingly enable government-mandated human-trafficking, mass LGBT-indoctrination of children in public schools, LGBT celebration of rebellion against G-d in Education and everywhere else, transgender lunacy, molestation-enabling "bathroom bills," mass-abortion, assisted suicide, stealth euthanasia, etc. will have to answer directly to G-d. Our job is to identify and impede them. And if we truly try, we can hope for Divine assistance far beyond our expectations. 

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